the first fashion show inside the Parliament
In collaboration with European Parliament the first fashion show inside the Parliament took place on the 28th March 2023 to raise awareness about Forced labour and modern slavery, followed by a panel discussion how we can create the crucial change.
Speechless and beyond grateful.
Thank you Uyghur camp survivor Gulbahar and child labour Nasreen for your courage. What I will take with me for the rest of my life is the laughter and tears and hope we all shared together during these life-changing months working on this. Together with amazing créatives, Human Rights Activits, politicians and labour rights workers whom flew in from all around the world.
Beyond grateful to work with all these amazing artists helping out in creating the performance and fashion show.
Music and soundtrack: Eric Rosse /Fuse Sound
Vocal Performance: Sofia Karemyr
Poetry/Script: XOV Damian Ardestani
Production: Human Rights Watch Creators Society/ Ina Dowland Herrera
Theatre performance: Raizes Teatro direction Alessandro Ienzi
Moderator: Lisa Lang, Director EU Policy & Affairs, EIT Climate KIC
Panel discussion
• Jewher Ilham, daughter of 2019 Sakharov prize laureate and Uyghur rights
activist Ilham TOHTI
• Inma Rodríguez PiñeiroMaria-Manuel LEITÃO-MARQUES, IMCO rapporteur
• Andy Hall , Human Rights Activits
• Raphael GLUCKSMANN, DROI member
• Lieve Verboven , Director of the ILO Office for the EU and Benelux
Participating organizations
Delphine Williot Fashion Revolution
Nayla Ajaltouni Collectif Éthique sur l’étiquette / Clean Clothes Campaign France
Helene de Rengerve Anti-Slavery International
Fredrik Timour Fashion Innovation Center
Bart Devos Responsible Business Alliance
Aruna Kashyap Human Rights Watch
Laura Sullivan WeMove Europe
Antonio Gambini Clean Clothes Campaign Brussels
Marta Garda FairTrade Advocacy
Marine Mazel European Uyghur Institute